About Flip N Funny

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Initially, this blog was designed to track my development as a comic. Although that remains true today, the blog has evolved into something more. The FlipNFunny Blog is now a catchall medium to express my thoughts on any subject whether it concerns comedy, films, sports, or life in general. Essentially, if I feel strongly about something, you can expect to see my thoughts here. Thank you.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Greenlight 2013

Originally written on Feb.26.2012

In reviewing my comedy “career” in 2011, I was little dismayed by the lack of progress I made. In keeping with the promise I made in 2007 which is to quit if I stopped improving, my accomplishments from a year ago barely gave me the pass to continue my “career” in comedy for 2012. So far, 2012 has been a far cry from a year ago. I am off to a roaring start!

In a matter of a couple weeks, I have been offered to showcase for the CBC and to write a column for a magazine!!! These offers couldn’t have been any better. The CBC showcase, proves to me, that my work is being appreciated and certain decision makers are acknowledging my growth as a comic. Granted, the showcase is not a sure thing as I will be going head to head with a handful of Vancouver’s best up and coming talents for the final spot for the show CBC is recording the next day. Like an actor losing out on an Oscar, I’m just happy I was considered.

As for the offer to write, it is for Canadian Immigrant magazine. I was contacted by the one of the writers that interviewed me after the first Flip n Comedy Show. It’s funny because I was just talking to someone at work recently about the ripple effect of things you’ve done and forgotten in the past and how those actions comes back to make a difference in the present. My contact immediately thought of me after they had a discussion and concluded they want someone to write about their immigrant experience from a comedic perspective. Like the showcase, this opportunity with Canadian Immigrant is not guaranteed. I will be submitting a test column in a couple weeks. If they enjoy the piece, I will be given the opportunity to submit other recollections of my younger days getting acclimated to the Canadian experience.

It’s only February and I have already given myself the greenlight to continue into 2013.

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