About Flip N Funny

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Initially, this blog was designed to track my development as a comic. Although that remains true today, the blog has evolved into something more. The FlipNFunny Blog is now a catchall medium to express my thoughts on any subject whether it concerns comedy, films, sports, or life in general. Essentially, if I feel strongly about something, you can expect to see my thoughts here. Thank you.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

Comedy Review 2011

In the past 4 years that I have done a personal comedy review, I recall the promise I made to myself – as long as I continue to develop, I will continue pursuing the dream of becoming a citizen of the Nation of Professional Comics. As it relates to 2011, it is debatable whether or not I developed as a comic.

If I were to base my opinions on stats alone, I regressed in 2011. I logged about 3.5 hours less this past year than I did in 2010. Consequently, my lack of stage time also led to a drop in earnings of approximately 33%. (Not at all a big issue since the number is sooooo small!) Another surprising development was a difficulty in getting spots. I had no issue getting spots at Lafflines or Comedy Mix, but the pubs and coffee shops that had comedy eluded me in 2011.

On the other hand, there are some stats that I can share that shows development. In 2011, I thought I gained much needed experience working the weekend crowd. On May 12th – 14th, I did my first weekend gig at Comedy Mix. From Thursday to the late show on Saturday, I registered times of 14.25, 18.28, 19.46, 21.40, and 22.05. With the exception of the Thursday set which was cut short because of a drop in comic, I can see the progression that I made in regards to relaxing and taking my time. Sure there were minor adjustments made regarding the set lists, but all in all I found it to be a successful venture.

In regards to Lafflines, they have continued to support my growth by feeding me a couple weekends to work on longer sets. The best set I’ve ever done for them happened on December 16th when I did my first set at the theatre room. For just over 23min, I had one of my best sets of the year to a crowd of 300 people. It was a show full of corporate dinner parties and I rocked it, mixing in a little bit of crowd work with my regular set.

Another encouraging sign of growth relates to my hosting abilities. I only hosted twice this year but I think on both occasions, I was able to demonstrate the growing comfort level with being the setup man to the comics. On the second hosting job I did this year, I think I took a moment to listen to the sets and come back on the mic with something witty to say regarding the last comic. I think there is much to be said in communicating to the audience that you are also invested in the show.

As far as the creative process is concerned, I believe that I did grow in 2011. It’s difficult to articulate but I think my experience has given me the ability to see more clearly where “the funny” is. I’m also getting better at stripping away the excess of the joke. Before it would take me a few sets to realize that a particular joke had excess wordage. This year, I have been more efficient in assessing the jokes. I have learned the valuable lesson – sometimes less is more.

At the end of 2010, I was working on a collection of jokes which I can probably name Surrey Set – Costco Preggers, PJ Hooker, and White Wedding. I ended up giving up on these jokes because they were sexually themed which I want to get away from and there wasn’t much of a redemptive quality to them. The PJ Hooker joke, in particular, was seen as mean spirited and insensitive by a pro that I have a great respect for. I might bring it back, if I’m able to clean it up somehow. In all honesty, however, revising it is very low on my list of priorities.

Throughout 2011, I thought I did a good job in developing new jokes. Jokes that I was able to develop and add to my catalogue were Call Centre, Shawshank, Slashing, and Incapable which added a meager 5min. However, I take pride in that these were the type of jokes that I was looking to add – non-sexual in nature. Other jokes that I introduced in 2011 that I will continue to work on are LMS which needs expansion and Copy Sales which needs cleaning.

So, to answer the all important question that determines whether or not I continue on for another year – did I improve as a comic?

Yes, I did … by the slimmest of margins.

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